PHIERSale (coming soon, once we meet our membership drive goal) is a discount buying club that will offer reward points for purchases of prescription drugs and medical devices. (Target date – Independence Day 2018.)
We all know that there’s strength in numbers. Bulk buying is a basic economic principle: You get a better deal when you buy a larger amount of the product you want to purchase. By utilizing this same collective buying strategy, PHIERSale will reward its members with discounted prices and reward points redeemable for additional products and services. Organizations that join us will be rewarded with 5% donations for purchases made by their members. PHIERSale will also raise awareness about less popular – but equally effective alternatives, increasing options and competition, which drives down costs further.
A robust PHIERsale membership could achieve much:
- If 10% of the Rx consumers join our opt-in program, we can qualify for bigger volume discount than the VA gets.
- This will save hundreds of billions every year – since nearly $700B was spent on Rx last year – and a 50% discount would save more than enough to create millions of sustainable jobs.
- These jobs will strengthen the safety net, pay a living wage and provide better benefits than private insurance companies provide for a fraction of the price.
Unions that join us will get all of the benefits listed above. They will also be able to offer PHIERSale-funded benefits as an additional benefit to their members for free while enjoying the collective bargaining rights of all of our members.
Funds generated by this club will be used to help unions better achieve their goals, be it additional job training and placement services (PHIERworks), respite support and affordable child care – to help the members better manage conflicting priorities.
This service is free to anyone and everyone who registers with
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