Everything on this page is 100% evidence-based, and designed to challenge conventional thinking about current events. I strongly invite you to research and verify, which is the main reason the evidence is included in the videos. Each video is like a short documentary, designed to empower viewers to make better decisions by fostering a culture of research and understanding.
A top priority is to prevent ethnic cleansing and genocide, using facts, scientific evidence, and logic that cannot be refuted. To us, a mind expanded by a new idea will hopefully never return to it’s original dimensions, if we choose to see things truthfully.
Who are the “Semitic” people?
Where have they lived for GENERATONS?
Hating “semitic people” is antisemitic, right?
Path to Lasting Peace
A Nuanced History
The Zionist Paradox
The Black Messiah
A Life Debt is Owed
Being Anti-Zionist is NOT Anti-Semitic
Who “Really” Freed the J*ws?
Click HERE for the A.I. definition of “semitism”
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