Entitlement Programs

PHIERworks will increase the solvency of entitlement programs, by creating jobs to help community organizations migrate to VistA and better care for high-need, high-cost patients.  This translates to the improvement of population health and the reduction of costs for caring for high-need populations.  We will use our buying power to negotiate for lower prices while passing the savings to consumers and payers (e.g. Medicaid, Medicare, the VA and Social Security).


  • PHIERS will multiply the impact and reach of each government dollar that’s invested into programs which have overlapping responsibilities and populations.  
  • PHIERStarters will lead community engagement initiatives, conduct needs and resource assessments for planning purposes – to tailor our program to fill local needs in an efficient and timely manner.
  • PHIERmen/women will coordinate care, assist in improving medical decisions, maximize resources and safeguard against inappropriate services while stretching and maximizing the value of each dollar spent on community-enabling solutions.

Each small success begets future success, for others with shared and divergent interests and needs. Fortunately, everyone needs healthcare, but unfortunately, it’s yet to be treated as a basic human right. By focusing on what divides us, we will never see an all-encompassing healthcare solution; but if we focus on what unites and empowers us…it leads to an entirely different story.   For these reasons, strengthening and expanding the safety net by creating meaningful jobs will benefit people of all ages, races, religions, preferences and identities.

Medicare for all is a viable and sustainable solution[1] to the biggest threats facing the U.S. As long as we continue to say that the idea is out of reach, it will remain so. That’s exactly why we are here now, presenting a roadmap to a solution that consists of existing resources, that will pay for itself, create jobs, and provide opportunities in underserved (rural, urban and suburban) communities.  We urge you to help us take advantage of this opportunity.  PHIERS can help mend the racial, socioeconomic, and political fissures in our nation; but we need your help.  We need the help of each and every community, in order to achieve all that’s been promised and more.

PHIERS.org’s plan is a viable, sustainable response to the well-documented challenges which have led to the current state of our fragmented, uncoordinated health care delivery system. The same system that is not only bankrupting families but our nation as well.  We can help, right now, by working in conjunction with participants in CMS’s innovative, demonstrative, socially-oriented projects.

As soon as seed funding is in place (visit our crowdfunding page), we can provide the tools, training, resources and support needed to help cities and states prepare for, address, and negate long-term care and retirement crisis which looms over our nation. This is of particular importance as the population ages (Baby Boomers, specifically), and as automation takes its toll on jobs in the U.S. and the safety net. We are ready with an answer.  We have a sustainable jobs creation plan which will extend beyond health care in itself, to the other, interrelated issues that come with it.

These interrelated problems and potential solutions intersect at a critical nexus, and with this cooperative business model, called PHIERS, we (being every member of the organization) will be ready to face just about any issue.  Each human is entitled to a life free of all judgment or persecution, and so as we promote these ideals and increase the number of members in our program, one of PHIERS’ cornerstones is the Golden Rule.  

By practicing and living this mantra, we hope to spread an infectious vibration through our cooperative, where organizations buy into our program via the value that they offer society, and reap the benefits of the value offered by every other group or individual in the network.  In this way, we can rapidly and easily begin training people of all walks of life in areas that will have a direct, positive impact on the lives of millions.



  1. “Medicare for All, A Solution for Health Care”, Physicians for a National Health Plan, (2016), http://www.pnhp.org/news/2016/january/medicare-for-all-a-solution-for-health-care

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