We have 3 shovel-ready pilots which can help individuals, families, communities, cities and states better adapt to changing times, once they launch:
- The PHIERSale (group purchasing plan and marketplace) will leverage the collective buying power of our members to negotiate for volume discounts on health-related goods and services. These benefits will be free to the bottom 90% of earners, and the savings shared equally with all who join. Together we can:
- Prove that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power when we organize, negotiate and buy as a group and work as a team
- Qualify for deeper volume discounts than the best private insurance plan
- Compete with the top online marketplaces, while making our highest priority the best interest of the people
- PHIERworks is a sustainable job training and placement program that will use existing tools, training, resources, and support to strengthen the safety net and tax base needed to fund programs important to our future. We will coordinate our efforts with the U.S. Climate Mayors and federal/state health and labor departments to promote rapid adoption by safety net programs across the nation. The entire program was designed to augment and complete what is being left undone by the President’s Opportunity Zones initiative.
- PHIERproof – is a component of PHIERS that’s designed especially for community organizations and safety net programs. It offers participants ways to connect with and leverage the strengths of the community while tracking impressions and outcomes of the services being provided. Our community enabling solutions consist of tools, training, resources, and support, and are free of charge to our members. Referrals and performance-based grants will be awarded to organizations/programs that use PHIERS to improve health outcomes.
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